Monday, July 15, 2013

This post is for all who have had heart surgery and have been taking Zolpedem to control their sleeping.  If you are taking this prescription and want to get off of the pill, you may want to follow this post.

Ok, I had a 5X bypass surgery over three years ago (my how time passes). I had so much trouble sleeping that I got a prescription for Zolpedem...a very tiny pill, but works extremely well.  Only problem is, it is very addictive.  I have been on this drug for over three years as well. Two days ago I decided to kick the habit. The first night I had forgotten to take it and slept all night. I had made this error in taking it before and after the first couple of hours of no sleep, I had realized what I had done.  I took the pill and went to sleep...all night.  This time was different so I thought I would try day two and skipped the pill and slept continuously for about 4 hours and then off and on for the next 3 hours...but not too bad.  This is the third night and I hope all will go well...I will report tomorrow with an update.